Education/Growing Classes


Blaz’n Acres’ One-Day Courses will show you how you can grow a year’s supply of cannabis in just 4 months.

Private classes are $175.00, 4-6 hour (depending on student’s questions) intensive hands-on class in growing medical or recreational marijuana in coco coir in a residential environment.


Blaz’n Acres’ One-Day Courses will show you how you can grow a year’s supply of cannabis in just 4 months.

Private classes are $175.00, 4-6 hour (depending on student’s questions) intensive hands-on class in growing medical or recreational marijuana in coco coir in a residential environment.

Private classes are presented to small classes of 5-6 students, using a series of visual presentations, lectures, and hands-on demonstrations. Private classes are taught at the Blaz’n Acres location.

All aspects of growing cannabis, from seedling to harvest – to designing your own personalized grow room, are covered in the 1-day class. Special emphasis is given on the LEGAL aspects of growing, setting up a productive grow room, electrical safety, and advanced problem-solving techniques. 

This class teaches students “hands-on” everything they will need to know about equipment selection, cannabis grow theory, mixing soil and fertilizers, problem solving, harvesting and curing, and much, much more.

All scientific terms and explanations are fully and simply explained, giving the student a solid foundation of usable knowledge for added gardening success in the future.

All course materials will be provided. The student need only bring his/her desire to learn. No prior experience in growing marijuana or cannabis is needed, as the course will instruct the beginning to intermediate student on all the important aspects of growing medical or recreational cannabis for legal use.

Upon completion of the course the student will be presented with a frameable diploma, a one-time 10% discount on a Blaz’n Acres Custom Grow Package and all of the materials and information presented during the course.


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